Every year, the School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry (SOPHI) holds a ceremony to recognise the brilliant endeavours of our students – both undergraduate and postgraduate.
This year we had to adapt to the virtual circumstances of the pandemic, so we celebrated both our Prize and Scholarship winners by holding the Award Ceremony as a Zoom webinar.
The fabulous SOPHI team, working with Tiffany Brittan from FASS, worked incredibly hard to come up with what we believe was a positive, engaging and fun event for our students, their families, and our donors. It was also a pioneering effort for the Faculty, as it was one of the first fully online Prizes night.
Over 135 people joined together to celebrate the extraordinary achievements of our students across the School, including many of our wonderful History students.
The History Prize Winners are listed below, followed by a note about what each prize recognises. You can also watch the speech of the History Department Chair, Professor Mark McKenna here, in which he congratulates the prize winners, and notes the special importance of History and the Humanities in times of crises.
The full program, including the award winners from each of the Departments of Archaeology, Classics and Ancient History, Philosophy, Gender and Cultural Studies, and the Scholarships awarded in International and Global Studies, can be found here. The full details of the History prizes listed below, are on pp. 17-19.
Many congratulations to all our Prize and Scholarship Winners.
AE (Tony) Cahill History Prize
Robert Stone
Aisling Society of Sydney Prize for an essay on Irish or Irish-Australian History
Siobhan Ryan
Australasian Pioneers’ Club Scholarship
Elizabeth Heffernan
Charles Brunsdon Fletcher Prize for Pacific History
Robert Mason
Charles Trimby Burfitt Prize for the Study of Australian History Prior to 1900
Nicole Leong
George Arnold Wood Memorial Prize for History I
Clio Davidson-Lynch
George Arnold Wood Memorial Prize for History II
Samuel Goldberg
GS Caird Scholarship in History II
Imogen Harper
Siobhan Ryan
Helen Newbon Bennett Memorial Prize for Senior History
Briony Moore
History Department Prizes – For an outstanding essay on a subject relating to social justice and/or social inclusion
Sarah Blencowe
Samantha Whaitiri-Faitua
History Department Prizes – For outstanding work in HSTY3901
Samuel Lewis
History Department Prizes – For outstanding work in HSTY3902
Amanda Armstrong
History Department Prizes – For outstanding work in HSTY3903
Siobhan Ryan
Isabel M King Memorial Prize for History III
Georgia Horsley
J H M Nolan Memorial Prize for Proficiency in History
Pola Cohen
Philippe Erdos Prize in History
Elisabeth Barber
Undergraduate Equity Scholarships in History
Aisha Allazze
Micaila Bellanto
Darcy Campbell
Lydia Fagan
Theresa Moran
Laura Sole
Trent Taylor