June 29: Year 11 Program day and Extension History Program mentoring day

On June 29th Fisher Library was graced by thirty high school students, from Miller Technology High School and Granville Boys High School. They were there to work on their year 11 history projects, with the assistance of volunteer history student ‘mentors’ from the university. They have been partnered with these student mentors for three sessions now, ensuring supportive relationships are being formed. The school students enjoyed an introductory talk on how to use the library, and correct research techniques given by Simon Wyatt-Spratt. Then they were off to work! The students’ topics cover a broad range of ancient history areas, from ancient Egypt to the historiography of David and Goliath.
Meanwhile at Cecil Hills High School in Western Sydney, Professor Michael Mcdonnell met with student volunteers for the extension history mentoring program. The volunteers have been helping the Cecil Hills history extension class put together their major work, whilst communicating to the students the wealth of possibilities and opportunities for financial assistance available to students who choose to pursue higher education.
That concludes the social inclusion program for Semester 1, and we have a lot of plans underway for Semester 2!
Project manager for social inclusion
Bridget Neave