Congratulations to Ben Silverstein, who will be taking up, from March 2018, a five-year PDRA position in Ann McGrath’s Laureate Fellowship programme, based at the ANU. Ben will be working on a project titled ‘Rediscovering the Deep Human Past’ that will expand the scope and scale of studies of Australia’s ‘long history’. In particular, he will collaborate with scholars in other disciplines as well as Indigenous community groups to map and track deep histories in landscapes. Additionally, in 2018 the two books he has worked on here at Sydney will appear: an edited collection, Conflict, Adaptation, Transformation: Richard Broome and the Practice of Aboriginal History (Aboriginal Studies Press); and the monograph: Governing Natives: Indirect Rule in Settler Colonial Australia and the British Empire (Manchester University Press).
While he will be missed here at Sydney, we wish him all the best for this exciting opportunity.